Paul Nolan出生于澳大利亚的猎人谷,却是第一个获得东京艺术大学日本画硕士学位的非日裔。早在澳大利亚国立艺术学校学习时,Paul Nolan便在一个偶然的机会下被日本画大师小野竹桥的风格深深吸引,决心前往日本研习:“那种对风景的自然画法让我渴望尝试,尤其是色彩的纯净——各种的蓝、绿、赭、白,以及柔软丰富的质地,似乎引起了我的精神共鸣。”1975年,他师从松本奉山学习水墨画,并于1982年申请到文部省奖学金进入东京艺术大学深造,专攻当代与古典日本绘画,四年后获得硕士学位。
“日本画的美学原理据说是对自然极深的沉思,这一点很吸引我,比如侘寂之美(Wabi-Sabi),是日本的特有美学,但能被全世界的人所理解,透过对人与自然关系的表达。”Paul Nolan的画作大多遵循了这一审美哲学。他本人也长了一张哲思的面孔,外表温厚,眼神深邃,语气平静,这种气质源于对东方含蓄意境的理解和融入。
Paul Nolan的作品正在E+Hive逸轩画廊展出。
“Gymeas” (SOLD)
Materials: natural pigments on washi ( kumohadamashi ). cms.100×145
Price: $3800 AUD (excl.GST)
Paul: I have become interested in these Gymeas and other large plants which grow in Australia. These stand taller than a man and seem to be emblematic of The Spirit in nature. Nature is at least as important to humans as ever before. There are interesting stories from the indigenous people of Australia , which personify this Gymea as a heroic figure, who in the past assisted and even rescued tribespeople. Aboriginal people had practical uses for the plant. In my painting the reds, from cinnabar, is a traditional sacred colour. Heraldic and Totemic
作品名:矛花 (已售)
天然矿物质研磨的颜料、和纸 100x145cm
定价:$3800 AUD (外加GST)
“Shore of memory” (SOLD)
Materials: natural pigments on washi ( kumohadamashi ). cms.72×91
Price: $3800 AUD (excl.GST)
Paul: Lyrical, this painting is about memory.
After working on it I recalled a poem by TS Elliot. Things, movements, feelings are tossed up on the shore of memory. Lines connect . This painting is an important one for me -a prototype.
作品名:记忆的海岸 (已售)
天然矿物质研磨的颜料、和纸 72x91cm
定价:$3800 AUD (外加GST)
在作画过程中,我想起了一首TS Elliot所著的诗:万物,律动,情感在记忆的海岸里辗转。这幅作品对于我来说也是有如蓝图般重要。
“Peace River Delta”.
Materials: natural pigments with silver leaf on washi ( kumohadamashi ). cms.65.5×92
Price: $2300 AUD (excl.GST)
This river of peace flows through deserts of barren hearts.
Precious metal silver leaf underlies this desert.
天然矿物质研磨的颜料、银箔、和纸 65.5x92cm
定价:$2300 AUD (外加GST)
“High Passage/Cranes”.
Materials: natural pigments on washi ( kumohadamashi ). cms.36×65
Price: $2200 AUD (excl.GST)
Symbolic of long life the cranes are at the extreme high altitude of life on the planet. They migrate freely. They are wonderfully able to manage the extremes of weather and climate. In this painting the precious blue contrasts with the ascending clouds and This painting.
天然矿物质研磨的颜料、和纸 36x65cm
定价:$2200 AUD(外加GST)
“Ancient Pool”.
Materials: natural pigments with gold leaf on washi ( kumohadamashi ). cms.36×65
Price: $1900 AUD (excl.GST)
Using earth colours, this image is an expression of the essential separation of water from the earth and the floating “seeds” of gold , the preciousness of life.
天然矿物质研磨的颜料、金箔、和纸 36x65cm
定价:$1900 AUD(外加GST)
“Bateau Bay Mangroves”.
Materials: natural pigments on washi ( kumohadamashi ). cms.28×118
Price: $1900 AUD (excl.GST)
Paul: The horizontal character of much of Australia’s landscape impressed itself on me after I returned from Japan to Australia. Australia in general has a low altitude, being an ancient land geologically. Here as in coastal areas all around the world, Mangroves perform special functions in the ecology. The stones placed in the sand by the forces of nature establish rhythm and tension. The blues are pure, from a stone exported to Japan and processed into pigment.
天然矿物质研磨的颜料、和纸 28x118cm
定价:$1900 AUD(外加GST)